Calling Pattern Testers!

Want to be an AHSC pattern tester?
It doesn’t matter if you have never pattern tested before - here’s what I’m looking for:
a passion for crochet (in particular, using recycled yarn) and skill level from practising beginner to more advanced. I will list skill/stitch knowledge requirements for each pattern at the top of each pattern.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you and hopefully working together on fun projects!

Here's what you'll need:

A good eye for detail.
Commitment to completing the pattern test to deadline.
Confidentiality as required (sometimes patterns may be for magazines etc who require them to remain confidential until the magazine is published).
An ability to give constructive and detailed feedback on the pattern.
An ability to find and report back errors (typos, spelling errors, stitch counts, etc).
An active public Instagram/TikTok account focused on crochet.
An ability to take high-quality photos and willingness to share progress/finished pictures/video on Instagram/TikTok.
A WhatsApp account, in order to join a group dedicated to A heart shaped cherry pattern testing, along with other pattern testers.
Must be able to purchase the yarn and materials needed to complete the project - I’m working with a UK supplier to get preferential delivery/recycled yarn rates for my pattern testers in the UK.

You’ll get from me:

A Free PDF pattern (final tested pattern).
A finished item as a result of the pattern test!
More crochet experience - there are always new techniques popping up that find their way into new patterns - what better way to learn than via a pattern test!
Possibly an introduction to recycled yarns!
I will share your Instagram posts and stories featuring the pattern and tag you in.

Call out for Pattern Testers via Instagram and via email to pattern testers registered using this form - to include deadlines and approximate make times.
I'll vet the replies and notify successful applicants (if you aren’t successful in one application, it doesn’t mean you won’t be in another!).
I'll request for confidentiality confirmation (as required).
Patterns will be released to testers.
Receive feedback from testers by stated deadline.

Register your interest to pattern test for AHSC: